Create cross-platform interfaces in the language you love
SwiftGtk is a largely auto-generated GTK language binding for Swift that allows you to interact with all of GTK in a way that feels more at home with Swift.
import Gtk let status = { let window = ApplicationWindowRef(application: $0) window.title = "Hello, world" window.setDefaultSize(width: 320, height: 240) let label = LabelRef(str: "Hello, SwiftGtk") window.add(widget: label) window.showAll() }
import GLibObject import CGtk import Gtk let status = { app in let window = ApplicationWindowRef(application: app) window.title = "List Demo" window.setDefaultSize(width: 640, height: 360) let i = TreeIter() let store = ListStore(.string, .boolean) store.append(asNextRow: i, "First Row", false) store.append(asNextRow: i, "Second Row", true) store.append(asNextRow: i, "Third Row", false) let columns = [ ("Title", "text", CellRendererText()), ("Check", "active", CellRendererToggle())] .enumerated().map { (i: Int, c: (title: String, attr: PropertyName, renderer: CellRenderer)) -> TreeViewColumn in TreeViewColumn(i, title: c.title, renderer: c.renderer, attribute: c.attr) } let listView = ListView(model: store) listView.append(columns) window.add(widget: listView) window.showAll() } guard let status = status else { fatalError("Could not create Application") } guard status == 0 else { fatalError("Application exited with status \(status)") }
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