
public protocol ActionProtocol

AtkAction should be implemented by instances of AtkObject classes with which the user can interact directly, i.e. buttons, checkboxes, scrollbars, e.g. components which are not “passive” providers of UI information.

Exceptions: when the user interaction is already covered by another appropriate interface such as AtkEditableText (insert/delete text, etc.) or AtkValue (set value) then these actions should not be exposed by AtkAction as well.

Though most UI interactions on components should be invocable via keyboard as well as mouse, there will generally be a close mapping between “mouse actions” that are possible on a component and the AtkActions. Where mouse and keyboard actions are redundant in effect, AtkAction should expose only one action rather than exposing redundant actions if possible. By convention we have been using “mouse centric” terminology for AtkAction names.

The ActionProtocol protocol exposes the methods and properties of an underlying AtkAction instance. The default implementation of these can be found in the protocol extension below. For a concrete class that implements these methods and properties, see Action. Alternatively, use ActionRef as a lighweight, unowned reference if you already have an instance you just want to use.

  • ptr

    Untyped pointer to the underlying AtkAction instance.



    var ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer! { get }
  • action_ptr Default implementation

    Typed pointer to the underlying AtkAction instance.

    Default Implementation

    Return the stored, untyped pointer as a typed pointer to the AtkAction instance.



    var action_ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<AtkAction>! { get }
  • Required Initialiser for types conforming to ActionProtocol



    init(raw: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)

Action Interface: ActionProtocol extension (methods and fields)

  • doAction(i:) Extension method

    Perform the specified action on the object.



    func doAction(i: Int) -> Bool
  • getDescription(i:) Extension method

    Returns a description of the specified action of the object.



    func getDescription(i: Int) -> String!
  • getKeybinding(i:) Extension method

    Gets the keybinding which can be used to activate this action, if one exists. The string returned should contain localized, human-readable, key sequences as they would appear when displayed on screen. It must be in the format “mnemonic;sequence;shortcut”.

    • The mnemonic key activates the object if it is presently enabled onscreen. This typically corresponds to the underlined letter within the widget. Example: “n” in a traditional “New…” menu item or the “a” in “Apply” for a button.
    • The sequence is the full list of keys which invoke the action even if the relevant element is not currently shown on screen. For instance, for a menu item the sequence is the keybindings used to open the parent menus before invoking. The sequence string is colon-delimited. Example: “Alt+F:N” in a traditional “New…” menu item.
    • The shortcut, if it exists, will invoke the same action without showing the component or its enclosing menus or dialogs. Example: “Ctrl+N” in a traditional “New…” menu item.

    Example: For a traditional “New…” menu item, the expected return value would be: “N;Alt+F:N;Ctrl+N” for the English locale and “N;Alt+D:N;Strg+N” for the German locale. If, hypothetically, this menu item lacked a mnemonic, it would be represented by “;;Ctrl+N” and “;;Strg+N” respectively.



    func getKeybinding(i: Int) -> String!
  • getLocalizedName(i:) Extension method

    Returns the localized name of the specified action of the object.



    func getLocalizedName(i: Int) -> String!
  • getNActions() Extension method

    Gets the number of accessible actions available on the object. If there are more than one, the first one is considered the “default” action of the object.



    func getNActions() -> Int
  • getName(i:) Extension method

    Returns a non-localized string naming the specified action of the object. This name is generally not descriptive of the end result of the action, but instead names the ‘interaction type’ which the object supports. By convention, the above strings should be used to represent the actions which correspond to the common point-and-click interaction techniques of the same name: i.e. “click”, “press”, “release”, “drag”, “drop”, “popup”, etc. The “popup” action should be used to pop up a context menu for the object, if one exists.

    For technical reasons, some toolkits cannot guarantee that the reported action is actually ‘bound’ to a nontrivial user event; i.e. the result of some actions via atk_action_do_action() may be NIL.



    func getName(i: Int) -> String!
  • setDescription(i:desc:) Extension method

    Sets a description of the specified action of the object.



    func setDescription(i: Int, desc: UnsafePointer<gchar>!) -> Bool
  • nActions Extension method

    Gets the number of accessible actions available on the object. If there are more than one, the first one is considered the “default” action of the object.



    var nActions: Int { get }