
public struct LanguageRef : LanguageProtocol

The PangoLanguage structure is used to represent a language.

PangoLanguage pointers can be efficiently copied and compared with each other.

The LanguageRef type acts as a lightweight Swift reference to an underlying PangoLanguage instance. It exposes methods that can operate on this data type through LanguageProtocol conformance. Use LanguageRef only as an unowned reference to an existing PangoLanguage instance.

  • ptr
    Untyped pointer to the underlying `PangoLanguage` instance.

    For type-safe access, use the generated, typed pointer language_ptr property instead.



    public let ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!

Language Record

  • Designated initialiser from the underlying C data type



    init(_ p: UnsafeMutablePointer<PangoLanguage>)
  • Designated initialiser from a constant pointer to the underlying C data type



    init(_ p: UnsafePointer<PangoLanguage>)
  • Conditional initialiser from an optional pointer to the underlying C data type



    init!(_ maybePointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<PangoLanguage>?)
  • Conditional initialiser from an optional, non-mutable pointer to the underlying C data type



    init!(_ maybePointer: UnsafePointer<PangoLanguage>?)
  • Conditional initialiser from an optional gpointer



    init!(gpointer g: gpointer?)
  • Conditional initialiser from an optional, non-mutable gconstpointer



    init!(gconstpointer g: gconstpointer?)
  • Reference intialiser for a related type that implements LanguageProtocol



    init<T>(_ other: T) where T : LanguageProtocol
  • Unsafe typed initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to LanguageProtocol.



    init<T>(cPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>)
  • Unsafe typed initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to LanguageProtocol.



    init<T>(constPointer: UnsafePointer<T>)
  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to LanguageProtocol.



    init(mutating raw: UnsafeRawPointer)
  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to LanguageProtocol.



    init(raw: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)
  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to LanguageProtocol.



    init(opaquePointer: OpaquePointer)
  • Convert a language tag to a `PangoLanguage`.

    The language tag must be in a RFC-3066 format. PangoLanguage pointers can be efficiently copied (copy the pointer) and compared with other language tags (compare the pointer.)

    This function first canonicalizes the string by converting it to lowercase, mapping ‘_’ to ‘-’, and stripping all characters other than letters and ‘-’.

    Use [funcPango.Language.get_default] if you want to get the PangoLanguage for the current locale of the process.



    static func from(string language: UnsafePointer<CChar>? = nil) -> Pango.LanguageRef!
  • Returns the PangoLanguage for the current locale of the process.

    On Unix systems, this is the return value is derived from setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL), and the user can affect this through the environment variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG (checked in that order). The locale string typically is in the form lang_COUNTRY, where lang is an ISO-639 language code, and COUNTRY is an ISO-3166 country code. For instance, sv_FI for Swedish as written in Finland or pt_BR for Portuguese as written in Brazil.

    On Windows, the C library does not use any such environment variables, and setting them won’t affect the behavior of functions like ctime(). The user sets the locale through the Regional Options in the Control Panel. The C library (in the setlocale() function) does not use country and language codes, but country and language names spelled out in English. However, this function does check the above environment variables, and does return a Unix-style locale string based on either said environment variables or the thread’s current locale.

    Your application should call setlocale(LC_ALL, "") for the user settings to take effect. GTK does this in its initialization functions automatically (by calling gtk_set_locale()). See the setlocale() manpage for more details.

    Note that the default language can change over the life of an application.

    Also note that this function will not do the right thing if you use per-thread locales with uselocale(). In that case, you should just call pango_language_from_string() yourself.



    static func getDefault() -> Pango.LanguageRef!