
public protocol ApplicationProtocol : ApplicationProtocol

GtkApplication is a class that handles many important aspects of a GTK+ application in a convenient fashion, without enforcing a one-size-fits-all application model.

Currently, GtkApplication handles GTK+ initialization, application uniqueness, session management, provides some basic scriptability and desktop shell integration by exporting actions and menus and manages a list of toplevel windows whose life-cycle is automatically tied to the life-cycle of your application.

While GtkApplication works fine with plain GtkWindows, it is recommended to use it together with GtkApplicationWindow.

When GDK threads are enabled, GtkApplication will acquire the GDK lock when invoking actions that arrive from other processes. The GDK lock is not touched for local action invocations. In order to have actions invoked in a predictable context it is therefore recommended that the GDK lock be held while invoking actions locally with g_action_group_activate_action(). The same applies to actions associated with GtkApplicationWindow and to the “activate” and “open” GApplication methods.

Automatic resources ##

GtkApplication will automatically load menus from the GtkBuilder resource located at “gtk/menus.ui”, relative to the application’s resource base path (see g_application_set_resource_base_path()). The menu with the ID “app-menu” is taken as the application’s app menu and the menu with the ID “menubar” is taken as the application’s menubar. Additional menus (most interesting submenus) can be named and accessed via gtk_application_get_menu_by_id() which allows for dynamic population of a part of the menu structure.

If the resources “gtk/menus-appmenu.ui” or “gtk/menus-traditional.ui” are present then these files will be used in preference, depending on the value of gtk_application_prefers_app_menu(). If the resource “gtk/menus-common.ui” is present it will be loaded as well. This is useful for storing items that are referenced from both “gtk/menus-appmenu.ui” and “gtk/menus-traditional.ui”.

It is also possible to provide the menus manually using gtk_application_set_app_menu() and gtk_application_set_menubar().

GtkApplication will also automatically setup an icon search path for the default icon theme by appending “icons” to the resource base path. This allows your application to easily store its icons as resources. See gtk_icon_theme_add_resource_path() for more information.

If there is a resource located at “gtk/help-overlay.ui” which defines a GtkShortcutsWindow with ID “help_overlay” then GtkApplication associates an instance of this shortcuts window with each GtkApplicationWindow and sets up keyboard accelerators (Control-F1 and Control-?) to open it. To create a menu item that displays the shortcuts window, associate the item with the action

A simple application ##

A simple example

GtkApplication optionally registers with a session manager of the users session (if you set the GtkApplication:register-session property) and offers various functionality related to the session life-cycle.

An application can block various ways to end the session with the gtk_application_inhibit() function. Typical use cases for this kind of inhibiting are long-running, uninterruptible operations, such as burning a CD or performing a disk backup. The session manager may not honor the inhibitor, but it can be expected to inform the user about the negative consequences of ending the session while inhibitors are present.

See Also ##

HowDoI: Using GtkApplication, Getting Started with GTK+: Basics

The ApplicationProtocol protocol exposes the methods and properties of an underlying GtkApplication instance. The default implementation of these can be found in the protocol extension below. For a concrete class that implements these methods and properties, see Application. Alternatively, use ApplicationRef as a lighweight, unowned reference if you already have an instance you just want to use.

  • ptr

    Untyped pointer to the underlying GtkApplication instance.



    var ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer! { get }
  • application_ptr Default implementation

    Typed pointer to the underlying GtkApplication instance.

    Default Implementation

    Return the stored, untyped pointer as a typed pointer to the GtkApplication instance.



    var application_ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<GtkApplication>! { get }
  • Required Initialiser for types conforming to ApplicationProtocol



    init(raw: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)
  • onStartup(flags:handler:) Extension method

    Hook in a Gtk application startup handler.



    func onStartup(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping ApplicationSignalHandler) -> Int



    The connection flags to use


    The startup handler, taking in an application reference

    Return Value

    The handler ID of the startup handler

  • onActivation(flags:handler:) Extension method

    Hook in a Gtk application activation handler.



    func onActivation(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping ApplicationSignalHandler) -> Int



    The connection flags to use


    The activation handler, taking in an application reference

    Return Value

    The handler ID of the startup handler

Application Class

  • Bind a ApplicationPropertyName source property to a given target object.



    func bind<Q, T>(property source_property: ApplicationPropertyName, to target: T, _ target_property: Q, flags f: BindingFlags = .default, transformFrom transform_from: @escaping GLibObject.ValueTransformer = { $0.transform(destValue: $1) }, transformTo transform_to: @escaping GLibObject.ValueTransformer = { $0.transform(destValue: $1) }) -> BindingRef! where Q : PropertyNameProtocol, T : ObjectProtocol



    the source property to bind


    the target object to bind to


    the target property to bind to


    the flags to pass to the Binding


    ValueTransformer to use for forward transformation


    ValueTransformer to use for backwards transformation

    Return Value

    binding reference or nil in case of an error

  • get(property:) Extension method

    Get the value of a Application property



    func get(property: ApplicationPropertyName) -> GLibObject.Value



    the property to get the value for

    Return Value

    the value of the named property

  • set(property:value:) Extension method

    Set the value of a Application property. Note that this will only have an effect on properties that are writable and not construct-only!



    func set(property: ApplicationPropertyName, value v: GLibObject.Value)



    the property to get the value for

    Return Value

    the value of the named property

Application signals

  • Connect a Swift signal handler to the given, typed ApplicationSignalName signal



    func connect(signal s: ApplicationSignalName, flags f: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler h: @escaping SignalHandler) -> Int



    The signal to connect


    The connection flags to use


    A pointer to user data to provide to the callback


    A GClosureNotify C function to destroy the data pointed to by userData


    The Swift signal handler (function or callback) to invoke on the given signal

    Return Value

    The signal handler ID (always greater than 0 for successful connections)

  • Connect a C signal handler to the given, typed ApplicationSignalName signal



    func connect(signal s: ApplicationSignalName, flags f: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), data userData: gpointer!, destroyData destructor: GClosureNotify? = nil, signalHandler h: @escaping GCallback) -> Int



    The signal to connect


    The connection flags to use


    A pointer to user data to provide to the callback


    A GClosureNotify C function to destroy the data pointed to by userData


    The C function to be called on the given signal

    Return Value

    The signal handler ID (always greater than 0 for successful connections)

  • onQueryEnd(flags:handler:) Extension method

    Emitted when the session manager is about to end the session, only if GtkApplication::register-session is true. Applications can connect to this signal and call gtk_application_inhibit() with GTK_APPLICATION_INHIBIT_LOGOUT to delay the end of the session until state has been saved.


    This represents the underlying query-end signal



    func onQueryEnd(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping (_ unownedSelf: ApplicationRef) -> Void) -> Int





    Reference to instance of self


    The signal handler to call Run the given callback whenever the queryEnd signal is emitted

  • queryEndSignal Extension method

    Typed query-end signal for using the connect(signal:) methods



    static var queryEndSignal: ApplicationSignalName { get }
  • Emitted when a GtkWindow is added to application through gtk_application_add_window().


    This represents the underlying window-added signal



    func onWindowAdded(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping (_ unownedSelf: ApplicationRef, _ window: WindowRef) -> Void) -> Int





    Reference to instance of self


    the newly-added GtkWindow


    The signal handler to call Run the given callback whenever the windowAdded signal is emitted

  • windowAddedSignal Extension method

    Typed window-added signal for using the connect(signal:) methods



    static var windowAddedSignal: ApplicationSignalName { get }
  • Emitted when a GtkWindow is removed from application, either as a side-effect of being destroyed or explicitly through gtk_application_remove_window().


    This represents the underlying window-removed signal



    func onWindowRemoved(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping (_ unownedSelf: ApplicationRef, _ window: WindowRef) -> Void) -> Int





    Reference to instance of self


    the GtkWindow that is being removed


    The signal handler to call Run the given callback whenever the windowRemoved signal is emitted

  • windowRemovedSignal Extension method

    Typed window-removed signal for using the connect(signal:) methods



    static var windowRemovedSignal: ApplicationSignalName { get }
  • The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

    Note that getting this signal doesn’t itself guarantee that the value of the property has actually changed. When it is emitted is determined by the derived GObject class. If the implementor did not create the property with G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then any call to g_object_set_property() results in notify being emitted, even if the new value is the same as the old. If they did pass G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then this signal is emitted only when they explicitly call g_object_notify() or g_object_notify_by_pspec(), and common practice is to do that only when the value has actually changed.

    This signal is typically used to obtain change notification for a single property, by specifying the property name as a detail in the g_signal_connect() call, like this:

    (C Language Example):

    g_signal_connect (text_view->buffer, "notify::paste-target-list",
                      G_CALLBACK (gtk_text_view_target_list_notify),

    It is important to note that you must use canonical parameter names as detail strings for the notify signal.


    This represents the underlying notify::active-window signal



    func onNotifyActiveWindow(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping (_ unownedSelf: ApplicationRef, _ pspec: ParamSpecRef) -> Void) -> Int





    Reference to instance of self


    the GParamSpec of the property which changed.


    The signal handler to call Run the given callback whenever the notifyActiveWindow signal is emitted

  • notifyActiveWindowSignal Extension method

    Typed notify::active-window signal for using the connect(signal:) methods



    static var notifyActiveWindowSignal: ApplicationSignalName { get }
  • The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

    Note that getting this signal doesn’t itself guarantee that the value of the property has actually changed. When it is emitted is determined by the derived GObject class. If the implementor did not create the property with G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then any call to g_object_set_property() results in notify being emitted, even if the new value is the same as the old. If they did pass G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then this signal is emitted only when they explicitly call g_object_notify() or g_object_notify_by_pspec(), and common practice is to do that only when the value has actually changed.

    This signal is typically used to obtain change notification for a single property, by specifying the property name as a detail in the g_signal_connect() call, like this:

    (C Language Example):

    g_signal_connect (text_view->buffer, "notify::paste-target-list",
                      G_CALLBACK (gtk_text_view_target_list_notify),

    It is important to note that you must use canonical parameter names as detail strings for the notify signal.


    This represents the underlying notify::app-menu signal



    func onNotifyAppMenu(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping (_ unownedSelf: ApplicationRef, _ pspec: ParamSpecRef) -> Void) -> Int





    Reference to instance of self


    the GParamSpec of the property which changed.


    The signal handler to call Run the given callback whenever the notifyAppMenu signal is emitted

  • notifyAppMenuSignal Extension method

    Typed notify::app-menu signal for using the connect(signal:) methods



    static var notifyAppMenuSignal: ApplicationSignalName { get }
  • The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

    Note that getting this signal doesn’t itself guarantee that the value of the property has actually changed. When it is emitted is determined by the derived GObject class. If the implementor did not create the property with G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then any call to g_object_set_property() results in notify being emitted, even if the new value is the same as the old. If they did pass G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then this signal is emitted only when they explicitly call g_object_notify() or g_object_notify_by_pspec(), and common practice is to do that only when the value has actually changed.

    This signal is typically used to obtain change notification for a single property, by specifying the property name as a detail in the g_signal_connect() call, like this:

    (C Language Example):

    g_signal_connect (text_view->buffer, "notify::paste-target-list",
                      G_CALLBACK (gtk_text_view_target_list_notify),

    It is important to note that you must use canonical parameter names as detail strings for the notify signal.


    This represents the underlying notify::menubar signal



    func onNotifyMenubar(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping (_ unownedSelf: ApplicationRef, _ pspec: ParamSpecRef) -> Void) -> Int





    Reference to instance of self


    the GParamSpec of the property which changed.


    The signal handler to call Run the given callback whenever the notifyMenubar signal is emitted

  • notifyMenubarSignal Extension method

    Typed notify::menubar signal for using the connect(signal:) methods



    static var notifyMenubarSignal: ApplicationSignalName { get }
  • The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

    Note that getting this signal doesn’t itself guarantee that the value of the property has actually changed. When it is emitted is determined by the derived GObject class. If the implementor did not create the property with G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then any call to g_object_set_property() results in notify being emitted, even if the new value is the same as the old. If they did pass G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then this signal is emitted only when they explicitly call g_object_notify() or g_object_notify_by_pspec(), and common practice is to do that only when the value has actually changed.

    This signal is typically used to obtain change notification for a single property, by specifying the property name as a detail in the g_signal_connect() call, like this:

    (C Language Example):

    g_signal_connect (text_view->buffer, "notify::paste-target-list",
                      G_CALLBACK (gtk_text_view_target_list_notify),

    It is important to note that you must use canonical parameter names as detail strings for the notify signal.


    This represents the underlying notify::register-session signal



    func onNotifyRegisterSession(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping (_ unownedSelf: ApplicationRef, _ pspec: ParamSpecRef) -> Void) -> Int





    Reference to instance of self


    the GParamSpec of the property which changed.


    The signal handler to call Run the given callback whenever the notifyRegisterSession signal is emitted

  • notifyRegisterSessionSignal Extension method

    Typed notify::register-session signal for using the connect(signal:) methods



    static var notifyRegisterSessionSignal: ApplicationSignalName { get }
  • The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

    Note that getting this signal doesn’t itself guarantee that the value of the property has actually changed. When it is emitted is determined by the derived GObject class. If the implementor did not create the property with G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then any call to g_object_set_property() results in notify being emitted, even if the new value is the same as the old. If they did pass G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then this signal is emitted only when they explicitly call g_object_notify() or g_object_notify_by_pspec(), and common practice is to do that only when the value has actually changed.

    This signal is typically used to obtain change notification for a single property, by specifying the property name as a detail in the g_signal_connect() call, like this:

    (C Language Example):

    g_signal_connect (text_view->buffer, "notify::paste-target-list",
                      G_CALLBACK (gtk_text_view_target_list_notify),

    It is important to note that you must use canonical parameter names as detail strings for the notify signal.


    This represents the underlying notify::screensaver-active signal



    func onNotifyScreensaverActive(flags: ConnectFlags = ConnectFlags(0), handler: @escaping (_ unownedSelf: ApplicationRef, _ pspec: ParamSpecRef) -> Void) -> Int





    Reference to instance of self


    the GParamSpec of the property which changed.


    The signal handler to call Run the given callback whenever the notifyScreensaverActive signal is emitted

  • Typed notify::screensaver-active signal for using the connect(signal:) methods



    static var notifyScreensaverActiveSignal: ApplicationSignalName { get }

Application Class: ApplicationProtocol extension (methods and fields)

  • Installs an accelerator that will cause the named action to be activated when the key combination specificed by accelerator is pressed.

    accelerator must be a string that can be parsed by gtk_accelerator_parse(), e.g. “<Primary>q” or “<Control><Alt>p”.

    action_name must be the name of an action as it would be used in the app menu, i.e. actions that have been added to the application are referred to with an “app.” prefix, and window-specific actions with a “win.” prefix.

    GtkApplication also extracts accelerators out of “accel” attributes in the GMenuModels passed to gtk_application_set_app_menu() and gtk_application_set_menubar(), which is usually more convenient than calling this function for each accelerator.

    add_accelerator is deprecated: Use gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() instead



    @available(*, deprecated)
    func add(accelerator: UnsafePointer<gchar>!, actionName: UnsafePointer<gchar>!, parameter: GLib.VariantRef? = nil)
  • Installs an accelerator that will cause the named action to be activated when the key combination specificed by accelerator is pressed.

    accelerator must be a string that can be parsed by gtk_accelerator_parse(), e.g. “<Primary>q” or “<Control><Alt>p”.

    action_name must be the name of an action as it would be used in the app menu, i.e. actions that have been added to the application are referred to with an “app.” prefix, and window-specific actions with a “win.” prefix.

    GtkApplication also extracts accelerators out of “accel” attributes in the GMenuModels passed to gtk_application_set_app_menu() and gtk_application_set_menubar(), which is usually more convenient than calling this function for each accelerator.

    add_accelerator is deprecated: Use gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() instead



    @available(*, deprecated)
    func add<VariantT>(accelerator: UnsafePointer<gchar>!, actionName: UnsafePointer<gchar>!, parameter: VariantT?) where VariantT : VariantProtocol
  • add(window:) Extension method

    Adds a window to application.

    This call can only happen after the application has started; typically, you should add new application windows in response to the emission of the GApplication::activate signal.

    This call is equivalent to setting the GtkWindow:application property of window to application.

    Normally, the connection between the application and the window will remain until the window is destroyed, but you can explicitly remove it with gtk_application_remove_window().

    GTK+ will keep the application running as long as it has any windows.



    func add<WindowT>(window: WindowT) where WindowT : WindowProtocol
  • Gets the accelerators that are currently associated with the given action.



    func getAccelsForAction(detailedActionName: UnsafePointer<gchar>!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<gchar>?>!
  • getActionsFor(accel:) Extension method

    Returns the list of actions (possibly empty) that accel maps to. Each item in the list is a detailed action name in the usual form.

    This might be useful to discover if an accel already exists in order to prevent installation of a conflicting accelerator (from an accelerator editor or a plugin system, for example). Note that having more than one action per accelerator may not be a bad thing and might make sense in cases where the actions never appear in the same context.

    In case there are no actions for a given accelerator, an empty array is returned. nil is never returned.

    It is a programmer error to pass an invalid accelerator string. If you are unsure, check it with gtk_accelerator_parse() first.



    func getActionsFor(accel: UnsafePointer<gchar>!) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<gchar>?>!
  • getActiveWindow() Extension method

    Gets the “active” window for the application.

    The active window is the one that was most recently focused (within the application). This window may not have the focus at the moment if another application has it — this is just the most recently-focused window within this application.



    func getActiveWindow() -> WindowRef!
  • getAppMenu() Extension method

    Returns the menu model that has been set with gtk_application_set_app_menu().



    func getAppMenu() -> GIO.MenuModelRef!
  • getMenuBy(id:) Extension method

    Gets a menu from automatically loaded resources. See Automatic resources for more information.



    func getMenuBy(id: UnsafePointer<gchar>!) -> GIO.MenuRef!
  • getMenubar() Extension method

    Returns the menu model that has been set with gtk_application_set_menubar().



    func getMenubar() -> GIO.MenuModelRef!
  • getWindowBy(id:) Extension method

    Returns the GtkApplicationWindow with the given ID.

    The ID of a GtkApplicationWindow can be retrieved with gtk_application_window_get_id().



    func getWindowBy(id: Int) -> WindowRef!
  • getWindows() Extension method

    Gets a list of the GtkWindows associated with application.

    The list is sorted by most recently focused window, such that the first element is the currently focused window. (Useful for choosing a parent for a transient window.)

    The list that is returned should not be modified in any way. It will only remain valid until the next focus change or window creation or deletion.



    func getWindows() -> GLib.ListRef!
  • Inform the session manager that certain types of actions should be inhibited. This is not guaranteed to work on all platforms and for all types of actions.

    Applications should invoke this method when they begin an operation that should not be interrupted, such as creating a CD or DVD. The types of actions that may be blocked are specified by the flags parameter. When the application completes the operation it should call gtk_application_uninhibit() to remove the inhibitor. Note that an application can have multiple inhibitors, and all of them must be individually removed. Inhibitors are also cleared when the application exits.

    Applications should not expect that they will always be able to block the action. In most cases, users will be given the option to force the action to take place.

    Reasons should be short and to the point.

    If window is given, the session manager may point the user to this window to find out more about why the action is inhibited.



    func inhibit(window: WindowRef? = nil, flags: ApplicationInhibitFlags, reason: UnsafePointer<gchar>? = nil) -> Int
  • Inform the session manager that certain types of actions should be inhibited. This is not guaranteed to work on all platforms and for all types of actions.

    Applications should invoke this method when they begin an operation that should not be interrupted, such as creating a CD or DVD. The types of actions that may be blocked are specified by the flags parameter. When the application completes the operation it should call gtk_application_uninhibit() to remove the inhibitor. Note that an application can have multiple inhibitors, and all of them must be individually removed. Inhibitors are also cleared when the application exits.

    Applications should not expect that they will always be able to block the action. In most cases, users will be given the option to force the action to take place.

    Reasons should be short and to the point.

    If window is given, the session manager may point the user to this window to find out more about why the action is inhibited.



    func inhibit<WindowT>(window: WindowT?, flags: ApplicationInhibitFlags, reason: UnsafePointer<gchar>? = nil) -> Int where WindowT : WindowProtocol
  • isInhibited(flags:) Extension method

    Determines if any of the actions specified in flags are currently inhibited (possibly by another application).

    Note that this information may not be available (for example when the application is running in a sandbox).



    func isInhibited(flags: ApplicationInhibitFlags) -> Bool
  • listActionDescriptions() Extension method

    Lists the detailed action names which have associated accelerators. See gtk_application_set_accels_for_action().



    func listActionDescriptions() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<gchar>?>!
  • prefersAppMenu() Extension method

    Determines if the desktop environment in which the application is running would prefer an application menu be shown.

    If this function returns true then the application should call gtk_application_set_app_menu() with the contents of an application menu, which will be shown by the desktop environment. If it returns false then you should consider using an alternate approach, such as a menubar.

    The value returned by this function is purely advisory and you are free to ignore it. If you call gtk_application_set_app_menu() even if the desktop environment doesn’t support app menus, then a fallback will be provided.

    Applications are similarly free not to set an app menu even if the desktop environment wants to show one. In that case, a fallback will also be created by the desktop environment (GNOME, for example, uses a menu with only a “Quit” item in it).

    The value returned by this function never changes. Once it returns a particular value, it is guaranteed to always return the same value.

    You may only call this function after the application has been registered and after the base startup handler has run. You’re most likely to want to use this from your own startup handler. It may also make sense to consult this function while constructing UI (in activate, open or an action activation handler) in order to determine if you should show a gear menu or not.

    This function will return false on Mac OS and a default app menu will be created automatically with the “usual” contents of that menu typical to most Mac OS applications. If you call gtk_application_set_app_menu() anyway, then this menu will be replaced with your own.



    func prefersAppMenu() -> Bool
  • Removes an accelerator that has been previously added with gtk_application_add_accelerator().

    remove_accelerator is deprecated: Use gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() instead



    @available(*, deprecated)
    func removeAccelerator(actionName: UnsafePointer<gchar>!, parameter: GLib.VariantRef? = nil)
  • Removes an accelerator that has been previously added with gtk_application_add_accelerator().

    remove_accelerator is deprecated: Use gtk_application_set_accels_for_action() instead



    @available(*, deprecated)
    func removeAccelerator<VariantT>(actionName: UnsafePointer<gchar>!, parameter: VariantT?) where VariantT : VariantProtocol
  • remove(window:) Extension method

    Remove a window from application.

    If window belongs to application then this call is equivalent to setting the GtkWindow:application property of window to nil.

    The application may stop running as a result of a call to this function.



    func remove<WindowT>(window: WindowT) where WindowT : WindowProtocol
  • Sets zero or more keyboard accelerators that will trigger the given action. The first item in accels will be the primary accelerator, which may be displayed in the UI.

    To remove all accelerators for an action, use an empty, zero-terminated array for accels.

    For the detailed_action_name, see g_action_parse_detailed_name() and g_action_print_detailed_name().



    func setAccelsForAction(detailedActionName: UnsafePointer<gchar>!, accels: UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<gchar>?>!)
  • set(appMenu:) Extension method

    Sets or unsets the application menu for application.

    This can only be done in the primary instance of the application, after it has been registered. GApplication::startup is a good place to call this.

    The application menu is a single menu containing items that typically impact the application as a whole, rather than acting on a specific window or document. For example, you would expect to see “Preferences” or “Quit” in an application menu, but not “Save” or “Print”.

    If supported, the application menu will be rendered by the desktop environment.

    Use the base GActionMap interface to add actions, to respond to the user selecting these menu items.



    func set(appMenu: GIO.MenuModelRef? = nil)
  • set(appMenu:) Extension method

    Sets or unsets the application menu for application.

    This can only be done in the primary instance of the application, after it has been registered. GApplication::startup is a good place to call this.

    The application menu is a single menu containing items that typically impact the application as a whole, rather than acting on a specific window or document. For example, you would expect to see “Preferences” or “Quit” in an application menu, but not “Save” or “Print”.

    If supported, the application menu will be rendered by the desktop environment.

    Use the base GActionMap interface to add actions, to respond to the user selecting these menu items.



    func set<MenuModelT>(appMenu: MenuModelT?) where MenuModelT : MenuModelProtocol
  • set(menubar:) Extension method

    Sets or unsets the menubar for windows of application.

    This is a menubar in the traditional sense.

    This can only be done in the primary instance of the application, after it has been registered. GApplication::startup is a good place to call this.

    Depending on the desktop environment, this may appear at the top of each window, or at the top of the screen. In some environments, if both the application menu and the menubar are set, the application menu will be presented as if it were the first item of the menubar. Other environments treat the two as completely separate — for example, the application menu may be rendered by the desktop shell while the menubar (if set) remains in each individual window.

    Use the base GActionMap interface to add actions, to respond to the user selecting these menu items.



    func set(menubar: GIO.MenuModelRef? = nil)
  • set(menubar:) Extension method

    Sets or unsets the menubar for windows of application.

    This is a menubar in the traditional sense.

    This can only be done in the primary instance of the application, after it has been registered. GApplication::startup is a good place to call this.

    Depending on the desktop environment, this may appear at the top of each window, or at the top of the screen. In some environments, if both the application menu and the menubar are set, the application menu will be presented as if it were the first item of the menubar. Other environments treat the two as completely separate — for example, the application menu may be rendered by the desktop shell while the menubar (if set) remains in each individual window.

    Use the base GActionMap interface to add actions, to respond to the user selecting these menu items.



    func set<MenuModelT>(menubar: MenuModelT?) where MenuModelT : MenuModelProtocol
  • uninhibit(cookie:) Extension method

    Removes an inhibitor that has been established with gtk_application_inhibit(). Inhibitors are also cleared when the application exits.



    func uninhibit(cookie: Int)
  • activeWindow Extension method

    Gets the “active” window for the application.

    The active window is the one that was most recently focused (within the application). This window may not have the focus at the moment if another application has it — this is just the most recently-focused window within this application.



    var activeWindow: WindowRef! { get }
  • appMenu Extension method

    Returns the menu model that has been set with gtk_application_set_app_menu().



    var appMenu: GIO.MenuModelRef! { get nonmutating set }
  • menubar Extension method




    var menubar: GIO.MenuModelRef! { get nonmutating set }
  • windows Extension method

    Gets a list of the GtkWindows associated with application.

    The list is sorted by most recently focused window, such that the first element is the currently focused window. (Useful for choosing a parent for a transient window.)

    The list that is returned should not be modified in any way. It will only remain valid until the next focus change or window creation or deletion.



    var windows: GLib.ListRef! { get }
  • parent Extension method




    var parent: GApplication { get }