
public struct GestureMultiPressRef : GestureMultiPressProtocol, GWeakCapturing

GtkGestureMultiPress is a GtkGesture implementation able to recognize multiple clicks on a nearby zone, which can be listened for through the GtkGestureMultiPress::pressed signal. Whenever time or distance between clicks exceed the GTK+ defaults, GtkGestureMultiPress::stopped is emitted, and the click counter is reset.

Callers may also restrict the area that is considered valid for a >1 touch/button press through gtk_gesture_multi_press_set_area(), so any click happening outside that area is considered to be a first click of its own.

The GestureMultiPressRef type acts as a lightweight Swift reference to an underlying GtkGestureMultiPress instance. It exposes methods that can operate on this data type through GestureMultiPressProtocol conformance. Use GestureMultiPressRef only as an unowned reference to an existing GtkGestureMultiPress instance.

  • ptr
    Untyped pointer to the underlying `GtkGestureMultiPress` instance.

    For type-safe access, use the generated, typed pointer gesture_multi_press_ptr property instead.



    public let ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!

GestureMultiPress Class