
public protocol DrawingAreaProtocol : WidgetProtocol

The GtkDrawingArea widget is used for creating custom user interface elements. It’s essentially a blank widget; you can draw on it. After creating a drawing area, the application may want to connect to:

  • Mouse and button press signals to respond to input from the user. (Use gtk_widget_add_events() to enable events you wish to receive.)

  • The GtkWidget::realize signal to take any necessary actions when the widget is instantiated on a particular display. (Create GDK resources in response to this signal.)

  • The GtkWidget::size-allocate signal to take any necessary actions when the widget changes size.

  • The GtkWidget::draw signal to handle redrawing the contents of the widget.

The following code portion demonstrates using a drawing area to display a circle in the normal widget foreground color.

Note that GDK automatically clears the exposed area before sending the expose event, and that drawing is implicitly clipped to the exposed area. If you want to have a theme-provided background, you need to call gtk_render_background() in your draw method.

Simple GtkDrawingArea usage

(C Language Example):

draw_callback (GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr, gpointer data)
  guint width, height;
  GdkRGBA color;
  GtkStyleContext *context;

  context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget);

  width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (widget);
  height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (widget);

  gtk_render_background (context, cr, 0, 0, width, height);

  cairo_arc (cr,
             width / 2.0, height / 2.0,
             MIN (width, height) / 2.0,
             0, 2 * G_PI);

  gtk_style_context_get_color (context,
                               gtk_style_context_get_state (context),
  gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &color);

  cairo_fill (cr);

 return FALSE;
  GtkWidget *drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new ();
  gtk_widget_set_size_request (drawing_area, 100, 100);
  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (drawing_area), "draw",
                    G_CALLBACK (draw_callback), NULL);

Draw signals are normally delivered when a drawing area first comes onscreen, or when it’s covered by another window and then uncovered. You can also force an expose event by adding to the “damage region” of the drawing area’s window; gtk_widget_queue_draw_area() and gdk_window_invalidate_rect() are equally good ways to do this. You’ll then get a draw signal for the invalid region.

The available routines for drawing are documented on the GDK Drawing Primitives page and the cairo documentation.

To receive mouse events on a drawing area, you will need to enable them with gtk_widget_add_events(). To receive keyboard events, you will need to set the “can-focus” property on the drawing area, and you should probably draw some user-visible indication that the drawing area is focused. Use gtk_widget_has_focus() in your expose event handler to decide whether to draw the focus indicator. See gtk_render_focus() for one way to draw focus.

The DrawingAreaProtocol protocol exposes the methods and properties of an underlying GtkDrawingArea instance. The default implementation of these can be found in the protocol extension below. For a concrete class that implements these methods and properties, see DrawingArea. Alternatively, use DrawingAreaRef as a lighweight, unowned reference if you already have an instance you just want to use.

  • ptr

    Untyped pointer to the underlying GtkDrawingArea instance.



    var ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer! { get }
  • drawing_area_ptr Default implementation

    Typed pointer to the underlying GtkDrawingArea instance.

    Default Implementation

    Return the stored, untyped pointer as a typed pointer to the GtkDrawingArea instance.



    var drawing_area_ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<GtkDrawingArea>! { get }
  • Required Initialiser for types conforming to DrawingAreaProtocol



    init(raw: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)

DrawingArea Class

  • Bind a DrawingAreaPropertyName source property to a given target object.



    func bind<Q, T>(property source_property: DrawingAreaPropertyName, to target: T, _ target_property: Q, flags f: BindingFlags = .default, transformFrom transform_from: @escaping GLibObject.ValueTransformer = { $0.transform(destValue: $1) }, transformTo transform_to: @escaping GLibObject.ValueTransformer = { $0.transform(destValue: $1) }) -> BindingRef! where Q : PropertyNameProtocol, T : ObjectProtocol



    the source property to bind


    the target object to bind to


    the target property to bind to


    the flags to pass to the Binding


    ValueTransformer to use for forward transformation


    ValueTransformer to use for backwards transformation

    Return Value

    binding reference or nil in case of an error

  • get(property:) Extension method

    Get the value of a DrawingArea property



    func get(property: DrawingAreaPropertyName) -> GLibObject.Value



    the property to get the value for

    Return Value

    the value of the named property

  • set(property:value:) Extension method

    Set the value of a DrawingArea property. Note that this will only have an effect on properties that are writable and not construct-only!



    func set(property: DrawingAreaPropertyName, value v: GLibObject.Value)



    the property to get the value for

    Return Value

    the value of the named property

DrawingArea Class: DrawingAreaProtocol extension (methods and fields)

  • widget Extension method




    var widget: GtkWidget { get }