
open class Application : GIO.Application, ApplicationProtocol

GtkApplication is a high-level API for writing applications.

It supports many aspects of writing a GTK application in a convenient fashion, without enforcing a one-size-fits-all model.

Currently, GtkApplication handles GTK initialization, application uniqueness, session management, provides some basic scriptability and desktop shell integration by exporting actions and menus and manages a list of toplevel windows whose life-cycle is automatically tied to the life-cycle of your application.

While GtkApplication works fine with plain [classGtk.Window]s, it is recommended to use it together with [classGtk.ApplicationWindow].

Automatic resources

GtkApplication will automatically load menus from the GtkBuilder resource located at “gtk/menus.ui”, relative to the application’s resource base path (see g_application_set_resource_base_path()). The menu with the ID “menubar” is taken as the application’s menubar. Additional menus (most interesting submenus) can be named and accessed via [methodGtk.Application.get_menu_by_id] which allows for dynamic population of a part of the menu structure.

It is also possible to provide the menubar manually using [methodGtk.Application.set_menubar].

GtkApplication will also automatically setup an icon search path for the default icon theme by appending “icons” to the resource base path. This allows your application to easily store its icons as resources. See [methodGtk.IconTheme.add_resource_path] for more information.

If there is a resource located at “gtk/help-overlay.ui” which defines a [classGtk.ShortcutsWindow] with ID “help_overlay” then GtkApplication associates an instance of this shortcuts window with each [classGtk.ApplicationWindow] and sets up the keyboard accelerator <kbd>Control</kbd>+<kbd>?</kbd> to open it. To create a menu item that displays the shortcuts window, associate the item with the action

A simple application

A simple example is available in the GTK source code repository

GtkApplication optionally registers with a session manager of the users session (if you set the [propertyGtk.Application:register-session] property) and offers various functionality related to the session life-cycle.

An application can block various ways to end the session with the [methodGtk.Application.inhibit] function. Typical use cases for this kind of inhibiting are long-running, uninterruptible operations, such as burning a CD or performing a disk backup. The session manager may not honor the inhibitor, but it can be expected to inform the user about the negative consequences of ending the session while inhibitors are present.

See Also

HowDoI: Using GtkApplication, Getting Started with GTK: Basics

The Application type acts as a reference-counted owner of an underlying GtkApplication instance. It provides the methods that can operate on this data type through ApplicationProtocol conformance. Use Application as a strong reference or owner of a GtkApplication instance.

  • Designated initialiser from the underlying `C` data type.

    This creates an instance without performing an unbalanced retain i.e., ownership is transferred to the Application instance.



    public init(_ op: UnsafeMutablePointer<GtkApplication>)



    pointer to the underlying object

  • Designated initialiser from a constant pointer to the underlying C data type. This creates an instance without performing an unbalanced retain i.e., ownership is transferred to the Application instance.



    public init(_ op: UnsafePointer<GtkApplication>)



    pointer to the underlying object

  • Optional initialiser from a non-mutating gpointer to the underlying C data type. This creates an instance without performing an unbalanced retain i.e., ownership is transferred to the Application instance.



    override public init!(gpointer op: gpointer?)



    gpointer to the underlying object

  • Optional initialiser from a non-mutating gconstpointer to the underlying C data type. This creates an instance without performing an unbalanced retain i.e., ownership is transferred to the Application instance.



    override public init!(gconstpointer op: gconstpointer?)



    pointer to the underlying object

  • Optional initialiser from a constant pointer to the underlying C data type. This creates an instance without performing an unbalanced retain i.e., ownership is transferred to the Application instance.



    public init!(_ op: UnsafePointer<GtkApplication>?)



    pointer to the underlying object

  • Optional initialiser from the underlying C data type. This creates an instance without performing an unbalanced retain i.e., ownership is transferred to the Application instance.



    public init!(_ op: UnsafeMutablePointer<GtkApplication>?)



    pointer to the underlying object

  • Designated initialiser from the underlying C data type. Will retain GtkApplication. i.e., ownership is transferred to the Application instance.



    public init(retaining op: UnsafeMutablePointer<GtkApplication>)



    pointer to the underlying object

  • Reference intialiser for a related type that implements ApplicationProtocol Will retain GtkApplication.



    public init<T>(_ other: T) where T : ApplicationProtocol



    an instance of a related type that implements ApplicationProtocol

  • Unsafe typed initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to ApplicationProtocol.



    override public init<T>(cPointer p: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>)



    pointer to the underlying object

  • Unsafe typed, retaining initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to ApplicationProtocol.



    override public init<T>(retainingCPointer cPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>)



    pointer to the underlying object

  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to ApplicationProtocol.



    override public init(raw p: UnsafeRawPointer)



    raw pointer to the underlying object

  • Unsafe untyped, retaining initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to ApplicationProtocol.



    override public init(retainingRaw raw: UnsafeRawPointer)
  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to ApplicationProtocol.



    public required init(raw p: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)



    mutable raw pointer to the underlying object

  • Unsafe untyped, retaining initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to ApplicationProtocol.



    required public init(retainingRaw raw: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)



    mutable raw pointer to the underlying object

  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to ApplicationProtocol.



    override public init(opaquePointer p: OpaquePointer)



    opaque pointer to the underlying object

  • Unsafe untyped, retaining initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to ApplicationProtocol.



    override public init(retainingOpaquePointer p: OpaquePointer)



    opaque pointer to the underlying object

  • Creates a new GtkApplication instance.

    When using GtkApplication, it is not necessary to call [funcGtk.init] manually. It is called as soon as the application gets registered as the primary instance.

    Concretely, [funcGtk.init] is called in the default handler for the GApplicationstartupsignal. Therefore, `GtkApplication` subclasses should always chain up in their `GApplication`startup handler before using any GTK API.

    Note that commandline arguments are not passed to [funcGtk.init].

    If application_id is not nil, then it must be valid. See g_application_id_is_valid().

    If no application ID is given then some features (most notably application uniqueness) will be disabled.



    public override init(applicationID: UnsafePointer<CChar>? = nil, flags: GIO.ApplicationFlags)
  • Returns the application singleton instance, creating it if it doesn’t exist yet.



    static var shared: Application { get set }
  • Creates a new #GtkApplication instance.

    When using #GtkApplication, it is not necessary to call gtk_init() manually. It is called as soon as the application gets registered as the primary instance.

    Concretely, gtk_init() is called in the default handler for the

    GApplication::startup signal. Therefore, #GtkApplication subclasses should

    chain up in their #GApplication::startup handler before using any GTK+ API.

    Note that commandline arguments are not passed to gtk_init(). All GTK+ functionality that is available via commandline arguments can also be achieved by setting suitable environment variables such as G_DEBUG, so this should not be a big problem. If you absolutely must support GTK+ commandline arguments, you can explicitly call gtk_init() before creating the application instance.

    If non-%NULL, the application ID must be valid. See g_application_id_is_valid().

    If no application ID is given then some features (most notably application uniqueness) will be disabled. A null application ID is only allowed with GTK+ 3.6 or later.



    convenience init?(id: UnsafePointer<gchar>? = nil, flags: ApplicationFlags = [])
  • Runs the application. This function is intended to be run from main() and its return value is intended to be returned by main(). Although you are expected to pass the argc , argv parameters from main() to this function, it is possible to pass NULL if argv is not available or commandline handling is not required. Note that on Windows, argc and argv are ignored, and g_win32_get_command_line() is called internally (for proper support of Unicode commandline arguments). GApplication will attempt to parse the commandline arguments. You can add commandline flags to the list of recognised options by way of g_application_add_main_option_entries(). After this, the “handle-local-options” signal is emitted, from which the application can inspect the values of its GOptionEntrys. “handle-local-options” is a good place to handle options such as –version, where an immediate reply from the local process is desired (instead of communicating with an already-running instance). A “handle-local-options” handler can stop further processing by returning a non-negative value, which then becomes the exit status of the process. What happens next depends on the flags: if G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE was specified then the remaining commandline arguments are sent to the primary instance, where a “command-line” signal is emitted. Otherwise, the remaining commandline arguments are assumed to be a list of files. If there are no files listed, the application is activated via the “activate” signal. If there are one or more files, and G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN was specified then the files are opened via the “open” signal. If you are interested in doing more complicated local handling of the commandline then you should implement your own GApplication subclass and override local_command_line(). In this case, you most likely want to return TRUE from your local_command_line() implementation to suppress the default handling. See gapplication-example-cmdline2.c for an example. If, after the above is done, the use count of the application is zero then the exit status is returned immediately. If the use count is non-zero then the default main context is iterated until the use count falls to zero, at which point 0 is returned. If the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag is set, then the service will run for as much as 10 seconds with a use count of zero while waiting for the message that caused the activation to arrive. After that, if the use count falls to zero the application will exit immediately, except in the case that g_application_set_inactivity_timeout() is in use. This function sets the prgname (g_set_prgname()), if not already set, to the basename of argv[0]. Since 2.40, applications that are not explicitly flagged as services or launchers (ie: neither G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE or G_APPLICATION_IS_LAUNCHER are given as flags) will check (from the default handler for local_command_line) if “–gapplication-service” was given in the command line. If this flag is present then normal commandline processing is interrupted and the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag is set. This provides a “compromise” solution whereby running an application directly from the commandline will invoke it in the normal way (which can be useful for debugging) while still allowing applications to be D-Bus activated in service mode. The D-Bus service file should invoke the executable with “–gapplication-service” as the sole commandline argument. This approach is suitable for use by most graphical applications but should not be used from applications like editors that need precise control over when processes invoked via the commandline will exit and what their exit status will be.



    func run(arguments: [String]? = nil, startupHandler: ApplicationSignalHandler?, activationHandler: ApplicationSignalHandler?) -> Int
  • Runs the application. This function is intended to be run from main() and its return value is intended to be returned by main(). Although you are expected to pass the argc , argv parameters from main() to this function, it is possible to pass NULL if argv is not available or commandline handling is not required. Note that on Windows, argc and argv are ignored, and g_win32_get_command_line() is called internally (for proper support of Unicode commandline arguments). GApplication will attempt to parse the commandline arguments. You can add commandline flags to the list of recognised options by way of g_application_add_main_option_entries(). After this, the “handle-local-options” signal is emitted, from which the application can inspect the values of its GOptionEntrys. “handle-local-options” is a good place to handle options such as –version, where an immediate reply from the local process is desired (instead of communicating with an already-running instance). A “handle-local-options” handler can stop further processing by returning a non-negative value, which then becomes the exit status of the process. What happens next depends on the flags: if G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE was specified then the remaining commandline arguments are sent to the primary instance, where a “command-line” signal is emitted. Otherwise, the remaining commandline arguments are assumed to be a list of files. If there are no files listed, the application is activated via the “activate” signal. If there are one or more files, and G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN was specified then the files are opened via the “open” signal. If you are interested in doing more complicated local handling of the commandline then you should implement your own GApplication subclass and override local_command_line(). In this case, you most likely want to return TRUE from your local_command_line() implementation to suppress the default handling. See gapplication-example-cmdline2.c for an example. If, after the above is done, the use count of the application is zero then the exit status is returned immediately. If the use count is non-zero then the default main context is iterated until the use count falls to zero, at which point 0 is returned. If the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag is set, then the service will run for as much as 10 seconds with a use count of zero while waiting for the message that caused the activation to arrive. After that, if the use count falls to zero the application will exit immediately, except in the case that g_application_set_inactivity_timeout() is in use. This function sets the prgname (g_set_prgname()), if not already set, to the basename of argv[0]. Since 2.40, applications that are not explicitly flagged as services or launchers (ie: neither G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE or G_APPLICATION_IS_LAUNCHER are given as flags) will check (from the default handler for local_command_line) if “–gapplication-service” was given in the command line. If this flag is present then normal commandline processing is interrupted and the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag is set. This provides a “compromise” solution whereby running an application directly from the commandline will invoke it in the normal way (which can be useful for debugging) while still allowing applications to be D-Bus activated in service mode. The D-Bus service file should invoke the executable with “–gapplication-service” as the sole commandline argument. This approach is suitable for use by most graphical applications but should not be used from applications like editors that need precise control over when processes invoked via the commandline will exit and what their exit status will be.



    func run(arguments: [String]? = nil, activationHandler: ApplicationSignalHandler? = nil) -> Int
  • Create and run an application with an optional ID and optional flags. This function is intended to be run from main() and its return value is intended to be returned by main(). Although you are expected to pass the argc , argv parameters from main() to this function, it is possible to pass NULL if argv is not available or commandline handling is not required. Note that on Windows, argc and argv are ignored, and g_win32_get_command_line() is called internally (for proper support of Unicode commandline arguments). GApplication will attempt to parse the commandline arguments. You can add commandline flags to the list of recognised options by way of g_application_add_main_option_entries(). After this, the “handle-local-options” signal is emitted, from which the application can inspect the values of its GOptionEntrys. “handle-local-options” is a good place to handle options such as –version, where an immediate reply from the local process is desired (instead of communicating with an already-running instance). A “handle-local-options” handler can stop further processing by returning a non-negative value, which then becomes the exit status of the process. What happens next depends on the flags: if G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE was specified then the remaining commandline arguments are sent to the primary instance, where a “command-line” signal is emitted. Otherwise, the remaining commandline arguments are assumed to be a list of files. If there are no files listed, the application is activated via the “activate” signal. If there are one or more files, and G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN was specified then the files are opened via the “open” signal. If you are interested in doing more complicated local handling of the commandline then you should implement your own GApplication subclass and override local_command_line(). In this case, you most likely want to return TRUE from your local_command_line() implementation to suppress the default handling. See gapplication-example-cmdline2.c for an example. If, after the above is done, the use count of the application is zero then the exit status is returned immediately. If the use count is non-zero then the default main context is iterated until the use count falls to zero, at which point 0 is returned. If the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag is set, then the service will run for as much as 10 seconds with a use count of zero while waiting for the message that caused the activation to arrive. After that, if the use count falls to zero the application will exit immediately, except in the case that g_application_set_inactivity_timeout() is in use. This function sets the prgname (g_set_prgname()), if not already set, to the basename of argv[0]. Since 2.40, applications that are not explicitly flagged as services or launchers (ie: neither G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE or G_APPLICATION_IS_LAUNCHER are given as flags) will check (from the default handler for local_command_line) if “–gapplication-service” was given in the command line. If this flag is present then normal commandline processing is interrupted and the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag is set. This provides a “compromise” solution whereby running an application directly from the commandline will invoke it in the normal way (which can be useful for debugging) while still allowing applications to be D-Bus activated in service mode. The D-Bus service file should invoke the executable with “–gapplication-service” as the sole commandline argument. This approach is suitable for use by most graphical applications but should not be used from applications like editors that need precise control over when processes invoked via the commandline will exit and what their exit status will be.



    static func run(id name: UnsafePointer<gchar>? = nil, flags f: ApplicationFlags = .none, arguments args: [String]? = nil, activationHandler a: ApplicationSignalHandler? = nil) -> Int?
  • Create and run an application with an optional ID and optional flags. This function is intended to be run from main() and its return value is intended to be returned by main(). Although you are expected to pass the argc , argv parameters from main() to this function, it is possible to pass NULL if argv is not available or commandline handling is not required. Note that on Windows, argc and argv are ignored, and g_win32_get_command_line() is called internally (for proper support of Unicode commandline arguments). GApplication will attempt to parse the commandline arguments. You can add commandline flags to the list of recognised options by way of g_application_add_main_option_entries(). After this, the “handle-local-options” signal is emitted, from which the application can inspect the values of its GOptionEntrys. “handle-local-options” is a good place to handle options such as –version, where an immediate reply from the local process is desired (instead of communicating with an already-running instance). A “handle-local-options” handler can stop further processing by returning a non-negative value, which then becomes the exit status of the process. What happens next depends on the flags: if G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE was specified then the remaining commandline arguments are sent to the primary instance, where a “command-line” signal is emitted. Otherwise, the remaining commandline arguments are assumed to be a list of files. If there are no files listed, the application is activated via the “activate” signal. If there are one or more files, and G_APPLICATION_HANDLES_OPEN was specified then the files are opened via the “open” signal. If you are interested in doing more complicated local handling of the commandline then you should implement your own GApplication subclass and override local_command_line(). In this case, you most likely want to return TRUE from your local_command_line() implementation to suppress the default handling. See gapplication-example-cmdline2.c for an example. If, after the above is done, the use count of the application is zero then the exit status is returned immediately. If the use count is non-zero then the default main context is iterated until the use count falls to zero, at which point 0 is returned. If the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag is set, then the service will run for as much as 10 seconds with a use count of zero while waiting for the message that caused the activation to arrive. After that, if the use count falls to zero the application will exit immediately, except in the case that g_application_set_inactivity_timeout() is in use. This function sets the prgname (g_set_prgname()), if not already set, to the basename of argv[0]. Since 2.40, applications that are not explicitly flagged as services or launchers (ie: neither G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE or G_APPLICATION_IS_LAUNCHER are given as flags) will check (from the default handler for local_command_line) if “–gapplication-service” was given in the command line. If this flag is present then normal commandline processing is interrupted and the G_APPLICATION_IS_SERVICE flag is set. This provides a “compromise” solution whereby running an application directly from the commandline will invoke it in the normal way (which can be useful for debugging) while still allowing applications to be D-Bus activated in service mode. The D-Bus service file should invoke the executable with “–gapplication-service” as the sole commandline argument. This approach is suitable for use by most graphical applications but should not be used from applications like editors that need precise control over when processes invoked via the commandline will exit and what their exit status will be.



    static func run(id name: UnsafePointer<gchar>? = nil, flags f: ApplicationFlags = .none, arguments args: [String]? = nil, startupHandler s: ApplicationSignalHandler?, activationHandler a: ApplicationSignalHandler?) -> Int?