
public struct ShortcutsWindowRef : ShortcutsWindowProtocol, GWeakCapturing

A GtkShortcutsWindow shows information about the keyboard shortcuts and gestures of an application.

The shortcuts can be grouped, and you can have multiple sections in this window, corresponding to the major modes of your application.

Additionally, the shortcuts can be filtered by the current view, to avoid showing information that is not relevant in the current application context.

The recommended way to construct a GtkShortcutsWindow is with [classGtk.Builder], by populating a GtkShortcutsWindow with one or more GtkShortcutsSection objects, which contain GtkShortcutsGroups that in turn contain objects of class GtkShortcutsShortcut.

A simple example:

This example has as single section. As you can see, the shortcut groups are arranged in columns, and spread across several pages if there are too many to find on a single page.

The .ui file for this example can be found here.

An example with multiple views:

This example shows a GtkShortcutsWindow that has been configured to show only the shortcuts relevant to the “stopwatch” view.

The .ui file for this example can be found here.

An example with multiple sections:

This example shows a GtkShortcutsWindow with two sections, “Editor Shortcuts” and “Terminal Shortcuts”.

The .ui file for this example can be found here.

The ShortcutsWindowRef type acts as a lightweight Swift reference to an underlying GtkShortcutsWindow instance. It exposes methods that can operate on this data type through ShortcutsWindowProtocol conformance. Use ShortcutsWindowRef only as an unowned reference to an existing GtkShortcutsWindow instance.

  • ptr
    Untyped pointer to the underlying `GtkShortcutsWindow` instance.

    For type-safe access, use the generated, typed pointer shortcuts_window_ptr property instead.



    public let ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!

ShortcutsWindow Class