
public protocol ActionableProtocol : WidgetProtocol

The GtkActionable interface provides a convenient way of asscociating widgets with actions.

It primarily consists of two properties: [propertyGtk.Actionable:action-name] and [propertyGtk.Actionable:action-target]. There are also some convenience APIs for setting these properties.

The action will be looked up in action groups that are found among the widgets ancestors. Most commonly, these will be the actions with the “win.” or “app.” prefix that are associated with the GtkApplicationWindow or GtkApplication, but other action groups that are added with [methodGtk.Widget.insert_action_group] will be consulted as well.

The ActionableProtocol protocol exposes the methods and properties of an underlying GtkActionable instance. The default implementation of these can be found in the protocol extension below. For a concrete class that implements these methods and properties, see Actionable. Alternatively, use ActionableRef as a lighweight, unowned reference if you already have an instance you just want to use.

  • ptr

    Untyped pointer to the underlying GtkActionable instance.



    var ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer! { get }
  • actionable_ptr Default implementation

    Typed pointer to the underlying GtkActionable instance.

    Default Implementation

    Return the stored, untyped pointer as a typed pointer to the GtkActionable instance.



    var actionable_ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<GtkActionable>! { get }
  • Required Initialiser for types conforming to ActionableProtocol



    init(raw: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)

Actionable Interface

  • Bind a ActionablePropertyName source property to a given target object.



    func bind<Q, T>(property source_property: ActionablePropertyName, to target: T, _ target_property: Q, flags f: BindingFlags = .default, transformFrom transform_from: @escaping GLibObject.ValueTransformer = { $0.transform(destValue: $1) }, transformTo transform_to: @escaping GLibObject.ValueTransformer = { $0.transform(destValue: $1) }) -> BindingRef! where Q : PropertyNameProtocol, T : ObjectProtocol



    the source property to bind


    the target object to bind to


    the target property to bind to


    the flags to pass to the Binding


    ValueTransformer to use for forward transformation


    ValueTransformer to use for backwards transformation

    Return Value

    binding reference or nil in case of an error

  • get(property:) Extension method

    Get the value of a Actionable property



    func get(property: ActionablePropertyName) -> GLibObject.Value



    the property to get the value for

    Return Value

    the value of the named property

  • set(property:value:) Extension method

    Set the value of a Actionable property. Note that this will only have an effect on properties that are writable and not construct-only!



    func set(property: ActionablePropertyName, value v: GLibObject.Value)



    the property to get the value for

    Return Value

    the value of the named property

Actionable Interface: ActionableProtocol extension (methods and fields)

  • getActionName() Extension method

    Gets the action name for actionable.



    func getActionName() -> String!
  • getActionTargetValue() Extension method

    Gets the current target value of actionable.



    func getActionTargetValue() -> GLib.VariantRef!
  • set(actionName:) Extension method

    Specifies the name of the action with which this widget should be associated.

    If action_name is nil then the widget will be unassociated from any previous action.

    Usually this function is used when the widget is located (or will be located) within the hierarchy of a GtkApplicationWindow.

    Names are of the form “” or “app.quit” for actions on the containing GtkApplicationWindow or its associated GtkApplication, respectively. This is the same form used for actions in the GMenu associated with the window.



    func set(actionName: UnsafePointer<CChar>? = nil)
  • setAction(targetValue:) Extension method

    Sets the target value of an actionable widget.

    If target_value is nil then the target value is unset.

    The target value has two purposes. First, it is used as the parameter to activation of the action associated with the GtkActionable widget. Second, it is used to determine if the widget should be rendered as “active” — the widget is active if the state is equal to the given target.

    Consider the example of associating a set of buttons with a GAction with string state in a typical “radio button” situation. Each button will be associated with the same action, but with a different target value for that action. Clicking on a particular button will activate the action with the target of that button, which will typically cause the action’s state to change to that value. Since the action’s state is now equal to the target value of the button, the button will now be rendered as active (and the other buttons, with different targets, rendered inactive).



    func setAction(targetValue: GLib.VariantRef? = nil)
  • setAction(targetValue:) Extension method

    Sets the target value of an actionable widget.

    If target_value is nil then the target value is unset.

    The target value has two purposes. First, it is used as the parameter to activation of the action associated with the GtkActionable widget. Second, it is used to determine if the widget should be rendered as “active” — the widget is active if the state is equal to the given target.

    Consider the example of associating a set of buttons with a GAction with string state in a typical “radio button” situation. Each button will be associated with the same action, but with a different target value for that action. Clicking on a particular button will activate the action with the target of that button, which will typically cause the action’s state to change to that value. Since the action’s state is now equal to the target value of the button, the button will now be rendered as active (and the other buttons, with different targets, rendered inactive).



    func setAction<VariantT>(targetValue: VariantT?) where VariantT : VariantProtocol
  • set(detailedActionName:) Extension method

    Sets the action-name and associated string target value of an actionable widget.

    detailed_action_name is a string in the format accepted by g_action_parse_detailed_name().



    func set(detailedActionName: UnsafePointer<CChar>!)
  • actionName Extension method

    Gets the action name for actionable.



    var actionName: String! { get nonmutating set }
  • actionTargetValue Extension method

    Gets the current target value of actionable.



    var actionTargetValue: GLib.VariantRef! { get nonmutating set }