
public struct PopoverRef : PopoverProtocol, GWeakCapturing

GtkPopover is a bubble-like context popup.

An example GtkPopover

It is primarily meant to provide context-dependent information or options. Popovers are attached to a parent widget. By default, they point to the whole widget area, although this behavior can be changed with [methodGtk.Popover.set_pointing_to].

The position of a popover relative to the widget it is attached to can also be changed with [methodGtk.Popover.set_position]

By default, GtkPopover performs a grab, in order to ensure input events get redirected to it while it is shown, and also so the popover is dismissed in the expected situations (clicks outside the popover, or the Escape key being pressed). If no such modal behavior is desired on a popover, [methodGtk.Popover.set_autohide] may be called on it to tweak its behavior.

GtkPopover as menu replacement

GtkPopover is often used to replace menus. The best was to do this is to use the [classGtk.PopoverMenu] subclass which supports being populated from a GMenuModel with [ctorGtk.PopoverMenu.new_from_model].

  <attribute name="display-hint">horizontal-buttons</attribute>
    <attribute name="label">Cut</attribute>
    <attribute name="action">app.cut</attribute>
    <attribute name="verb-icon">edit-cut-symbolic</attribute>
    <attribute name="label">Copy</attribute>
    <attribute name="action">app.copy</attribute>
    <attribute name="verb-icon">edit-copy-symbolic</attribute>
    <attribute name="label">Paste</attribute>
    <attribute name="action">app.paste</attribute>
    <attribute name="verb-icon">edit-paste-symbolic</attribute>

CSS nodes

├── arrow
╰── contents.background
    ╰── <child>

The contents child node always gets the .background style class and the popover itself gets the .menu style class if the popover is menu-like (i.e. GtkPopoverMenu).

Particular uses of GtkPopover, such as touch selection popups or magnifiers in GtkEntry or GtkTextView get style classes like .touch-selection or .magnifier to differentiate from plain popovers.

When styling a popover directly, the popover node should usually not have any background. The visible part of the popover can have a shadow. To specify it in CSS, set the box-shadow of the contents node.

Note that, in order to accomplish appropriate arrow visuals, GtkPopover uses custom drawing for the arrow node. This makes it possible for the arrow to change its shape dynamically, but it also limits the possibilities of styling it using CSS. In particular, the arrow gets drawn over the content node’s border and shadow, so they look like one shape, which means that the border width of the content node and the arrow node should be the same. The arrow also does not support any border shape other than solid, no border-radius, only one border width (border-bottom-width is used) and no box-shadow.

The PopoverRef type acts as a lightweight Swift reference to an underlying GtkPopover instance. It exposes methods that can operate on this data type through PopoverProtocol conformance. Use PopoverRef only as an unowned reference to an existing GtkPopover instance.

  • ptr
    Untyped pointer to the underlying `GtkPopover` instance.

    For type-safe access, use the generated, typed pointer popover_ptr property instead.



    public let ptr: UnsafeMutableRawPointer!

Popover Class

  • Designated initialiser from the underlying C data type



    init(_ p: UnsafeMutablePointer<GtkPopover>)
  • Designated initialiser from a constant pointer to the underlying C data type



    init(_ p: UnsafePointer<GtkPopover>)
  • Conditional initialiser from an optional pointer to the underlying C data type



    init!(_ maybePointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<GtkPopover>?)
  • Conditional initialiser from an optional, non-mutable pointer to the underlying C data type



    init!(_ maybePointer: UnsafePointer<GtkPopover>?)
  • Conditional initialiser from an optional gpointer



    init!(gpointer g: gpointer?)
  • Conditional initialiser from an optional, non-mutable gconstpointer



    init!(gconstpointer g: gconstpointer?)
  • Reference intialiser for a related type that implements PopoverProtocol



    init<T>(_ other: T) where T : PopoverProtocol
  • This factory is syntactic sugar for setting weak pointers wrapped in GWeak<T>



    static func unowned<T>(_ other: T) -> PopoverRef where T : PopoverProtocol
  • Unsafe typed initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to PopoverProtocol.



    init<T>(cPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>)
  • Unsafe typed initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to PopoverProtocol.



    init<T>(constPointer: UnsafePointer<T>)
  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to PopoverProtocol.



    init(mutating raw: UnsafeRawPointer)
  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to PopoverProtocol.



    init(raw: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)
  • Unsafe untyped initialiser. Do not use unless you know the underlying data type the pointer points to conforms to PopoverProtocol.



    init(opaquePointer: OpaquePointer)
  • Creates a new GtkPopover.


