
public enum TextTagTableSignalName : String, SignalNameProtocol


  • The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

    Note that getting this signal doesn’t itself guarantee that the value of the property has actually changed. When it is emitted is determined by the derived GObject class. If the implementor did not create the property with G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then any call to g_object_set_property() results in notify being emitted, even if the new value is the same as the old. If they did pass G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY, then this signal is emitted only when they explicitly call g_object_notify() or g_object_notify_by_pspec(), and common practice is to do that only when the value has actually changed.

    This signal is typically used to obtain change notification for a single property, by specifying the property name as a detail in the g_signal_connect() call, like this:

    (C Language Example):

    g_signal_connect (text_view->buffer, "notify::paste-target-list",
                      G_CALLBACK (gtk_text_view_target_list_notify),

    It is important to note that you must use canonical parameter names as detail strings for the notify signal.



    case notify = "notify"
  • Emitted every time a new tag is added in the GtkTextTagTable.



    case tagAdded = "tag-added"
  • Emitted every time a tag in the GtkTextTagTable changes.



    case tagChanged = "tag-changed"
  • Emitted every time a tag is removed from the GtkTextTagTable.

    The tag is still valid by the time the signal is emitted, but it is not associated with a tag table any more.



    case tagRemoved = "tag-removed"